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# Grouped Table

To create grouped rows, you need two things.

# 1. Add group-options to table component

    enabled: true

# 2. Make sure the rows are formatted correctly. Grouped rows need to be nested within header rows containing data rows in their children property. For example:

rows: [
    mode: 'span', // span means this header will span all columns
    label: 'Mammal', // this is the label that'll be used for the header
    html: false, // if this is true, label will be rendered as html
    children: [
      { name: 'Elephant', diet: 'herbivore', count: 5 },
      { name: 'Cat', diet: 'carnivore', count: 28 }
Name Diet Count
Elephant herbivore 5
Cat carnivore 28
Snake carnivore 40
lizard insectivore 34
Shark carnivore 2
koi omnivore 14

# 3. Sometimes, you might want a summary row instead of a header row. For example, if you want to show total count for your group

rows: [
    name: 'Mammals Total', // this is the label that'll be used for the header
    diet: undefined,
    count: '', // total count will be displayed here
    children: [
      { name: 'Elephant', diet: 'herbivore', count: 5 },
      { name: 'Cat', diet: 'carnivore', count: 28 }

# 4. If you want the header/summary row to show up at the bottom of the group, you can specify that in the group-options property of the table.

    enabled: true,
    headerPosition: 'bottom'
Name Diet Count
Elephant herbivore 5
Cat carnivore 28
Snake carnivore 40
lizard insectivore 34
Shark carnivore 2
koi omnivore 14

# 5. What if you wanted to add a total count in summary rows?

In your column definition add a property, headerField. This is just like field property but for summary/header rows only. So lets say we wanted to add a sum function to this field.

// in columns
  label: 'Count',
  field: 'count',
  headerField: this.sumCount,
  type: 'number',

// in methods we define sumCount
methods: {
  sumCount: function (rowObj) {
    let sum = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < rowObj.children.length; i++) {
      sum += rowObj.children[i].count;
    return sum;

# Customizing Header Row

If you want more control over what the header row looks like, you can use slots the same way you customize rows. For example if you want to add a button in the header row or something, this would be the way to do it.

# When mode is 'span'

In this case, the header row spans across all columns

    enabled: true,
    headerPosition: 'top'
  <template slot="table-header-row" slot-scope="props">
    <span class="my-fancy-class">
      {{ props.row.label }}
Name Diet Count
Elephant herbivore 5
Cat carnivore 28
Snake carnivore 40
lizard insectivore 34
Shark carnivore 2
koi omnivore 14

# When mode is not 'span'

In this case header row expects a value for each column

    enabled: true,
    headerPosition: 'top'
  <template slot="table-header-row" slot-scope="props">
    <span v-if="props.column.field == 'action'">
      <button class="fancy-btn">Action</button>
    <span v-else>
      {{ props.formattedRow[props.column.field] }}
Name Diet Count Action
Elephant herbivore 5
Cat carnivore 28
Snake carnivore 40
lizard insectivore 34
Shark carnivore 2
koi omnivore 14


  • The original row object can be accessed via props.row
  • The column object can be accessed via props.column
  • You can access the formatted row data (for example - formatted date) via props.formattedRow

# Collapsable Rows

To allow the row to collapse and expand you can use the groupOption "collapsable". You can either pass in a boolean or a number. If collapsable is set to true then it will default to making the first column collapsable. Alternatively, you can specify the column index number. If you only add new rows to your table at the end, then the expanded or collapsed state of your rows will be maintained. However if you need to insert rows before the last one, you can pass in rowKey inside of groupOptions with a unique identifier for your rows. The expanded and collapsed state will then be maintained.

    enabled: true,
    collapsable: true // or column index

To expand/collapse all you can use the method called expandAll or collapseAll.

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Last Updated: 6/22/2020, 8:39:21 PM