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# Sort Options

Set of options related to table sorting

    enabled: true,
    initialSortBy: {field: 'name', type: 'asc'}

# enabled

type: Boolean (default: true)

Enable/disable sorting on table as a whole.

    enabled: true,

# initialSortBy


initialSortBy now allows for sort by multiple columns

type: Object or Array

Allows specifying a default sort for the table on wakeup. Both field and type values are required.

    enabled: true,
    initialSortBy: {field: 'name', type: 'asc'}

# multipleColumns

type: Boolean (default: true)

Enable/disable multiple column sort. Users can shift-click on multiple columns to sort by multiple columns. The first column in the array gets primary sort.

    enabled: true,
    multipleColumns: true,
    initialSortBy: [
      {field: 'name', type: 'asc'},
      {field: 'age', type: 'desc'}
Last Updated: 3/1/2021, 9:21:03 PM