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# Pagination Options

A set of options that are related to table pagination. Each of these are optional and reasonable defaults will be used if you leave off the property.

    enabled: true,
    mode: 'records',
    perPage: 5,
    position: 'top',
    perPageDropdown: [3, 7, 9],
    dropdownAllowAll: false,
    setCurrentPage: 2,
    jumpFirstOrLast : true
    firstLabel : 'First Page'
    lastLabel : 'Last Page'
    nextLabel: 'next',
    prevLabel: 'prev',
    rowsPerPageLabel: 'Rows per page',
    ofLabel: 'of',
    pageLabel: 'page', // for 'pages' mode
    allLabel: 'All',
    infoFn: (params) => `my own page ${params.firstRecordOnPage}`, 

# enabled

type: Boolean (default: false)

Enable Pagination for table. By default the paginator is created at the bottom of the table.

    enabled: true

# mode

type: String (default: 'records')

You can render pagination controls in two modes - 'records' and 'pages'. Below, you'll find examples of both.


For tables that may have many pages, 'pages' mode offers the ability to jump to any valid page.

# records mode (default)

    enabled: true,
    mode: 'records'
Name Age Created On Percent
John 20 Jul 2nd 11 3.34%
Jane 24 Oct 31st 11 3.34%
Susan 16 Oct 30th 11 3.34%
Chris 55 Oct 11th 11 3.34%
Dan 40 Oct 21st 11 3.34%
John 20 Oct 31st 11 3.34%

# pages mode

    enabled: true,
    mode: 'pages'
Name Age Created On Percent
John 20 Jul 2nd 11 3.34%
Jane 24 Oct 31st 11 3.34%
Susan 16 Oct 30th 11 3.34%
Chris 55 Oct 11th 11 3.34%
Dan 40 Oct 21st 11 3.34%
John 20 Oct 31st 11 3.34%

# position

type: String (default: 'bottom')

Add pagination on 'top' or 'bottom' (top and bottom) of the table (default position is bottom)

    enabled: true,
    position: 'top'

# perPage

type: Integer (default: 10)

Number of rows to show per page

    enabled: true,
    perPage: 5

# perPageDropdownEnabled

type: Boolean (default: true)

Show or hide the per page dropdown

    enabled: true,
    perPageDropdownEnabled: false,

# perPageDropdown

type: Array (default: [10,20,30,40,50])

Customize the dropdown options for the amount of items per page

    enabled: true,
    perPageDropdown: [3, 7, 9]

type: Boolean (default: true)

enables/disables 'All' in the per page dropdown.

    enabled: true,
    perPageDropdown: [3, 7, 9],
    dropdownAllowAll: false,

# setCurrentPage

type: Number

set current page programmatically.


There's no validation for number of pages so please be careful using this.

    enabled: true,
    setCurrentPage: 2,

# jumpFirstOrLast

type: Boolean (default: false)

Enable pagination buttons to jump to the first or last page.

# pagination label/text options

you can change one or more of the texts shown on pagination by overriding the labels in the following way:

    enabled: true,
    nextLabel: 'next',
    prevLabel: 'prev',
    rowsPerPageLabel: 'Rows per page',
    ofLabel: 'of',
    pageLabel: 'page', // for 'pages' mode
    allLabel: 'All',

# InfoFn

Provide your own function to lay out pagination info how you like:

    enabled: true,
    infoFn: (params) => `Showing ${params.firstRecordOnPage} to ${params.lastRecordOnPage} of page ${params.currentPage}`,

the parameters passed to infoFn are the following:

  firstRecordOnPage: 'index of the first record on the current page',
  lastRecordOnPage: 'index of the last record on the current page',
  totalRecords: 'total number of records',
  currentPage: 'current page',
  totalPage: 'total number of pages',

# Replace Pagination Component

you can also replace the pagination component with your own component - Custom Pagination

Last Updated: 9/29/2021, 12:10:49 PM